Thank you for donating to Kehilah Chen v’Chesed. KCVC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which makes all donations to us tax-deductible. Your generous support will help fund projects like:
- Shabbat Worship Programs
- High Holiday Services
- Youth Enrichment Program
- A new lighter weight Torah for B’nai Mitzvah use
- And so Much More
You can also use this donation form to pay your annual family contribution, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or Youth Enrichment class fees.
To make your donation, please complete the online Enrollment Form and pay with one of two options:
- Check made payable to Kehillah Chen v’Chesed sent to:
4963 Balboa Boulevard
Encino, CA 91316 - Credit card payment with 3% convenience fee.
For credit card, please select the funds you would like to contribute to, indicate the payment frequency desired and provide basic information to pay via credit card. You will be directed to a secure processing site to complete your transaction and will receive a confirmation email.Please note that the synagogue incurs credit card processing fees each time a member uses their credit card. Therefore, a 3% donation will be added to the total donation to cover the cost…that is also tax-deductible. Remember, you also have the option to pay via check with no added convenience fee. Thank you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please write to